Why It’s Time to Ease The Self-Pressure

Man Overwhelmed by his work

My name is Alicia and I must profess that I am somebody who puts way too much pressure on myself!

Being aware that I need to take better care of myself, yet find this act to of ‘Grace’ for self to be an ultimate challenge in life.

Why can we often show up as our own worst enemies?

Why do we ‘BULLY’ ourselves?

I make light of the behaviour by attributing it to the fact that my Sun sign is Virgo and that I’m the eldest child to not only siblings but also close cousins who look up to me. These may very well be contributing factors to the foundation of my story, however they are only two of so many more…

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your own expectations?

Capture a moment of relaxation at work. Woman taking a few minutes to 
close her eyes whilst working from her desk

As a result of the times that we’re living in, and a world that seems to have a focus on glorifying overachievement and hustle culture, have you ever taken a pause to think if the relentless pressure that we put on ourselves is actually worth it?

Continuous high pressure can be a major contributing factor to mental health problems.

Mental health professionals have reported that there is a clear connection between chronic stress from high expectations and the development of anxiety and depression.

Lets take a minute to pause and think about the last time that we felt really stressed. How much of that stress was actually self-imposed? This recognition can be a game-changer for taking back control of managing/maintaining our mental health.

The inaccurate narrative that more pressure leads to greater success is misinformation that needs to be debunked…ASAP.

Psychological studies have shown that while a certain level of stress can enhance performance, once the threshold is crossed it can often result in decreased productivity and creativity i.e. burn-out, blockages, procrastination, reduced activity, coasting along etc.

Less pressure can translate to higher life satisfaction.

Research in positive psychology shows that people who maintain a healthy balance between ambition and personal well-being report higher satisfaction in life.

Baby steps

As to not overwhelm ourselves let’s start small by setting achievable goals and gradually aligning them with our core values, rather than what the outside world states as a societal expectation.

Lowering self-pressure helps build emotional resilience.

Learning to manage the expectations of not only our own but that of others and accepting the setbacks builds resilience.

Practice mindfulness and self-compassion. Lets acknowledge our efforts regardless of the outcome, and we’ll become more adaptable to life’s challenges.

The journey to reduce self-imposed pressure is not about settling for less, but about getting the most out of ourselves and optimising our mental, emotional, and physical health.

The aim should be to embrace a life of less pressure, more creativity, and greater joy. Remember, it’s not just about reducing stress; it’s about enhancing our capacity to enjoy life especially as it is so short.

Challenge yourself to reconsider your priorities this week. 

What pressures can you let go of?

Let’s free ourselves.

Alicia xx