My kick In The Butt: How ‘The Power of Yes’ shifted my Life, adding more Positivity & Growth

Created by Alicia of Escaping The Blah

‘The Power of Yes’ is the book that gave me the kick in the rear end, encouraging me to open my arms wider to more Positivity and Opportunities.

If I was into labeling myself, I’d say that I’m naturally a very Positive Person even through the seriously testing times that I have, and continue to experience throughout this lifetime. In this super fast-paced and often cold world it can be so easy to submit to being ground down to an unrecognisable version of yourself, as a response to negativity and missed opportunities.

“The Power of Yes” emerges as a book of light and upliftment that encourages it’s readers to embrace life’s outpour of opportunities with open arms, heart and mind. This book created a deep internal shift within me and it resonated in my core, due to me already being a path of I looking for answers that would help me to break free from some major mental, emotional and creative blockages.

A little word that makes big changes…

This book made me pause and pursue a state of consciously being 💯% present with myself. It encouraged deeper thinking whilst presenting itself to be very relatable, as it pushes you to reassess your life and do a moonwalk on your approach and maybe even attitude to your life’s decisions.

Click here to check out the book for yourself.

Key re-learnings that I have taken from reading ‘The power of Yes’ are the importance of surrendering to the moment, being open to change and the positive impact that it can have on your personal and professional life, overcoming the fear of failure that can so often hold us back from saying ‘YES’ to new opportunities, and finally how a single decision can lead to a dominoe effect of positive outcomes manifesting into your life in many unexpected yet wonderous ways.

*Note that you still won’t say “Yes’ to everything as their are still only 24 hours ina a day. However the mission is to start saying yes to things that may traditionally said no to due to fear, stress being busy, unfamiliarity or lack of experience etc.

‘The Power of Yes’ sets itself apart from other self-help books with its practical approach and actionable advice that readers can apply immediately to their daily lives. The effects of saying ‘Yes’ can improve and advance your career, improve your relationships, or simply lead to a more fulfilling life.

This book is an experience and journey that steers you back onto the right path towards a more positive and opportunity filled life. Say ‘YES’ to this book if you’re feeling blocked, struggling or down, and start your journey towards a life reimagined and possibly your BEST life.

A few things to start say ’YES’ to:

  • Talking to and engaging with new people.
  • Invitation for a spontaneous outing/travel.
  • Somebody offering to help you (even if you don’t really need it).
  • Your Children (especially if they want you to play, create, explore go on adventures with them).
  • Love.

To grab ‘The Power Yes’ for yourself with my affiliate link, click here

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