Goal Ideas for 2024

With a plan to improve our lives in 2024, I have pulled together 100 goal ideas to work towards in 2024.

Goal Ideas 2024
Goal Ideas 2024

This is the best time of year to represent a page turn in book that is our lives and as I like to often say “Start as you mean to go on” How to plan a super successful year

Goal setting is truly my vibe, from the micro to the macro, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly etc. I’m here for it all (My brain truly stays busy). I love the process of evolution and stay in a space of seeking new ways to grow and challenge myself.

The end of the year/start of the new year is an exciting transition window that we can embrace every twelve months. It’s like a great reset, a time to take stock, get a grip and take back control (should you have lost control in the mix of the everyday living, surviving, existing, pushing through).

I’m often asked how I achieve so many things, along with questions of where the inspiration and ideas for what I’m achieving come from. And then the manifestation came to me to put together a template that I could share and help others: a list of goal ideas. 

Here is a list of 100 goal ideas to get started on now that we are at the top of the new year (note that trying to do all 100 may be seriously intense and overwhelming, therefore use this as an ideas pool to choose from rather than burning yourself out doing it all).

The list is organised into 10 areas of your life, with ideas for each! Venture through the list and take from it what resonates with you and is your vibe, leaving the rest. Let’s nurture this into an incredible year.

100 Goal Ideas for 2024


  • Listen to positive, inspirational and encouraging podcasts
  • Reduce interactions with negative individuals
  • Take up a new hobby or skill.
  • Practice journaling daily.
  • Create and commit to a schedule.
  • Read or listen to positive affirmations daily.
  • Build meditation or mindfulness into your daily routine.
  • Read [X] books this year.
  • Learn a new language.
  • Hold a positive mindest.


  • Create a budget and stick to it.
  • Track and reduce unnecessary expenses.
  • Aim to pay off a specific debt (e.g., student loans, credit card).
  • Save for a dream vacation.
  • Build an emergency fund.
  • Start investing in stocks or real estate.
  • Increase your retirement savings contributions.
  • Start a new passive income stream (e.g., rental property, social media influencer).
  • Achieve your specific net worth milestone.
  • Write your will and create an estate plan.


  • Actively work on strengthening your relationship with a partner or spouse.
  • Expand your social circle.
  • Reconnect with old friends or family members.
  • Join a social or community group.
  • Plan a memorable family vacation or reunion.
  • Encourage the Improvement of the communication within your relationships.
  • Attend relationship counseling or therapy.
  • Volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about.
  • Organize regular social gatherings or events.
  • Mend a broken relationship or friendship.


  • Visit [X] new countries or cities.
  • Go on a solo trip.
  • Take a road trip to explore your own region in your home country.
  • Do a spontaneous weekend getaway.
  • Experience a new culture or cuisine.
  • Travel to a destination on your bucket list.
  • Try an adrenaline-pumping adventure activity.
  • Take a digital detox vacation.
  • Travel sustainably and reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Document your travel experiences through a blog or journal.


  • Start a side business or freelancing gig
  • Develop better time management behaviour.
  • Earn a specific professional certification.
  • Get a promotion or advance to the next career level.
  • Expand your professional network.
  • Attend a certain number of networking events.
  • Complete a major project at work.
  • Enhance your digital marketing skills.
  • Improve your leadership skills.
  • Achieve a specific income goal.
Success lets go get it
Success lets go get it


  • Learn to balance and maintain your hormones.
  • Commit to daily walks.
  • Hydrate and drink more water.
  • Eat more whole foods & plant-based meals.
  • Reduce stress through relaxation techniques.
  • Improve sleep quality and duration.
  • Start Pilates or Yoga.
  • Work towards achieving your target weight and or body composition.
  • Prioritise skin care
  • Quit smoking or reduce alcohol consumption.


  • Start a blog or YouTube channel to share your gifts and document your life.
  • Take up photography and capture memorable moments.
  • Learn to play a musical instrument.
  • Complete a creative project (e.g., write a book, paint a picture).
  • Experiment with a new cooking or baking technique.
  • Explore the world of digital art or graphic design.
  • Join a local sports team or club.
  • Develop DIY home improvement skills.
  • Create a beautiful garden or outdoor space.
  • Attend art classes or workshops.


  • Get a mentor or coach in your area of interest.
  • Take a course or enroll in further education.
  • Attend workshops or seminars in your field.
  • Master a new software or technology.
  • Stay updated on industry trends and news.
  • Develop a course.
  • Become an expert on a specific subject.
  • Publish a research paper or article.
  • Pursue a higher academic degree.
  • Share your knowledge through public speaking engagements.


  • Reduce plastic usage in daily life.
  • Support sustainable and ethical brands.
  • Reduce water and energy consumption.
  • Reduce personal waste and adopt a zero-waste lifestyle.
  • Start growing/cultivating your own herbs and veg at home.
  • Plant a certain number of trees or native plants.
  • Advocate for environmental policies and awareness.
  • Organise or join in a community cleanup.
  • Educate yourself and others about climate change.
  • Support wildlife conservation efforts.


  • Donate to a charity or cause regularly.
  • Sponsor a child’s education or support a family in need.
  • Mentor someone in need of your guidance and wisdom.
  • Volunteer a certain number of hours each month.
  • Spread kindness through random acts of generosity.
  • Start a charitable initiative or fundraiser.
  • Join a nonprofit organisation or board.
  • Get involved in socially empowering services or projects.
  • Advocate for a social or environmental cause.
  • Organize a charity event or charity run.

With all things said and done, please please please make sure that you reward yourself x

“Hello, Monetag!”


  • Andrew says:

    This is a pretty comprehensive list of goals. I already have achieved many of them and look forward to working on others.

    • Thank you, Andrew!
      Glad to know that you’re active and well on your way, luv this…
      I look forward to hearing your updates of continued progress 😀

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