Escaping The Blah!

Escaping The Blah Pinterest image

I’m Alicia AKA Leesha and I am currently in a deep space of Blah!

What is Blah, you ask?


  1. used to refer to something which is boring or without meaningful content.
  2. depression; “a case of the blahs”
  3. adjective, dull or unexciting. “the game has been very blah”,
  4. exclamation used to substitute for actual words in contexts where they are felt to be too tedious or lengthy to give in full.

Blah! is a truly strange reality for me to be in as traditionally I show up in the world as super positive, ambitious, expressive, super passionate, adventurous, explorative and hyper aware etc! Yet this position is quite the contrary as it’s clear that I don’t know ish (nothing) about my current version of self. If I did, this unfamiliar state would not be my truth.

What has contributed to me feeling this way, you may ask?

The heart wrenching loss of my son and many other loved family members, compounded by my grandmother’s ongoing declining health because of Dementia/Alzheimers, and a multitude of other things that life brings, made me shift from living to simply existing.

Blah, is what I’ve also identified as low vibration…

How Blah! is showing up in my life …

Behold my moan list:

Comparison (the thief of joy), losing touch with my purpose (no longer having a purpose), abandoning my creative talents, having to work in corporate London to live, i.e. pouring my energy into somebody else’s dream, knowing better but not finding the motivation to do better for my life, being my worst enemy, a single income stream/no financial freedom, no longer reading books and adding to myself as frequently as I used to, feeling out of control, having no plan, weak in my spiritual walk, not prioritising self-care/putting everyone else first, not travelling as much as I used to, not spending enough quality time with my family and friends, no longer doing new things, not living abroad (yet), not yet married, no living children, no legacy, wasting my gifts, existing in survival mode, prioritising external validation, negative words to myself. Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Blah! needs to go away…

Starting this blog is my journey to turning this all back around toward positive and progressive forward movement and sharing the elements of my journey that might also help others to escape their own, Blah!

…Lets GO!


  • I’m so here for escaping the blah honey. Happy to join you in your journey ♥️✨

  • Shay says:

    So many of us are here and no one is talking about it, thank you for being courageous enough to share!

    • I got the calling to do this and just had to respond/honour it. This is already bigger than me. Sharing is caring, lets all escape the blah together 😀

  • Nikisha Channer says:

    Amazing Queen, this is going to be a fun journey filled with the unexpected and unpredicted but more importantly filled with growth, purpose, joy, laughter and yes Peace !!! When someone asks how I am, I often say ermmmm blahhh lol. Then they say, what’s that mean, I’m like just lost, I dunno, just blahhh. Your explanation of blah is perfect! As it is all those things and more. Looking forward to the journey 😀 (Are we there yet lol), let’s buckle up ❤️❤️❤️. Stay Blessed beautiful 🥰

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